How can I contact Canway ?
There are lots of ways to contact Canway Co., LTD. It's a suggested way to directly make a contact with our employees. On our official website, you can have a comprehensive understanding about our main business, and you can make contact by our email, whatsapp, wechat or phone call at your own convenience. At the bottom of website, there's a form for you to fill in. Please leave your message, our employees will contact you as soon as possible.

Canway is a Chinese company that focuses on the design, production and sales of tint brush. The hair spray bottle series is one of the main products of Canway. Canwayhairdressing tools is manufactured by our professional team, meeting the highest safety standards in the water parks industry while delivering entertainment, joy, and comfort. It is designed to increases the efficiency in the salon. The product can always maintain its shape. The seams of this bag are strong enough and they will not pull apart easily. The product provides a better tactile sense.

we will continue to listen to costumer, understand their needs, and make our hair sectioning clips products perfect. Inquire online!
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